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Programs availableOnline, Full-time, Part-time, Self-paced
Financing optionsDeferred Tuition, Upfront Payments, Month-to-month Installments, Loan Financing

About CareerFoundry

CareerFoundry is an organization that offers various courses and programs that allow students to learn more about the design process and gain the necessary skills to begin a tech career.

CareerFoundry’s online offerings cover introductory and advanced courses. In addition, there are many CareerFoundry programs that are specifically...

CareerFoundry Reviews: Is CareerFoundry Worth It?

Yes, CareerFoundry is worth it. CareerFoundry reviews are mostly positive online. Many CareerFoundry bootcamp reviews show that students were happy with the overall experience, and they particularly praised the school’s instructors.

One CareerFoundry UX Design review by Anne Marie Henry, a graduate, says the program she attended was enjoyable. “It was an easily accessible way for me to get started on my UX path with little experience. My favorite part initially was that I could start as soon as I wanted,” she says. The former student says that she enjoyed the mentorship sessions, noting that her biggest challenge was trying to stay on track. However, she would have liked to have more interaction with her mentor.

Lisa Iselin, another student, says, “Completely exceeding expectations is the best way I can describe my experience with CareerFoundry, and the fact that I signed up and paid for the course in the first place goes to show that I had pretty high expectations, to begin with.” Lisa commends the program she attended for equipping her with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in tech. She describes the mentors, tutors, and student advisors as supportive and readily available.



Job Assistance

Overall Experience

UX design with UI specialization

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Natalia Peshkova graduated CareerFoundry
CareerFoundry Review: starstarstarstarstar
Created 4 years ago
I took a full-time UX design course with UI specialization in CareerFoundry which lasted from February to December 2019. It was one of the best years in my career as I had a chance to learn a new interesting profession within relatively short time. The curriculum itself is well thought out and covers all the necessary subjects that UX designer might need in their work. The only thing I would add is a student should take an extra step and read additional materials on each matter where he or she...
- Challenging mentors & tutors - Flexible learning - One can always get help
- Couple of subjects were lacking updated materials and required more research from my side

Highly recommend

CareerFoundry Review: starstarstarstarstar
Created 1 year ago
Currently doing the UX Design course and i’m amazed at how much I have learned and done in only 4 months!
Encouraging and helpful mentor and tutor Professional portfolio by the end of the course Career specialist who is by you every step of the way into transitioning to a new industry
Some chapters felt like they were lacking information. No training on Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, etc.

Prepared for UX design and more!

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Cassie Castrejon graduated CareerFoundry
CareerFoundry Review: starstarstarstarstar
Created 4 years ago
My mentor and tutor for intro and immersive courses in UX design were phenomenal! They both got back to me with amazing critical feedback quickly. I learned about so many programs that I still use during my weekly one-on-ones with my mentor
I felt supported. Both my tutor and mentor were kind in their reviews of my work. Both had awesome resources to refer me to.
I tried complete the supplementary web development intro course, but unfortunately I was not able to wrap my head around the content and my mentor took longer than expected to get back to me. There were a couple times where he took 2-3...

CareerFoundry Job Placement Rate and Outcomes

Prospective students will be happy to know that CareerFoundry’s job placement rate is 96 percent, with most students finding work within 180 days of graduation. According to the school, 58 percent of its graduates land a job through direct application, 27 percent rely on networking and referrals, and 15 percent are scouted by recruiters.

CareerFoundry graduates fill entry and senior-level positions, depending on their experience. They end up becoming project managers, UX/UI designers, product designers, UX researchers, web developers, front end developers, visual designers, and interaction designers.

Students gain employment with the help of CareerFoundry career services. They have access to a career specialist who assists them with their interview skills, networking strategies, and more. In addition, students go through the one-month Job Prep Course.

What Projects Do CareerFoundry Students Work On?

CareerFoundry students work on several projects during their programs. These offer them a chance to put their new knowledge and skills to the test. They can add these projects to their portfolios. During the job search, students can use their portfolios to show potential employers their skills.

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CareerFoundry Courses and Curriculum

CareerFoundry courses cover a range of topics to help students break into different sectors of tech. Consider putting additional research into what you want to add to your tech arsenal, then decide if a CareerFoundry bootcamp is in line with your career goals. In addition, the ability to attend CareerFoundry online means that you just need a stable Internet connection and a computer to begin.

CarerFoundry courses are made for beginners. However, students who are not prepared for a full bootcamp can always start with an introductory course. It is important to note that CareerFoundry courses are not free, and the cost of courses ranges from $690 for introductory courses to up to $7,900 for some of the six-month bootcamps. As such, it is still an affordable tech education. Further, CareerFoundry offers a money-back job guarantee.

Intro to Product Design


4 weeks




Part Time


20 Hours/week





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The Intro to Product Design Course is designed as a short introduction to help you get an overview of the field and help you understand if Product Design is the right career for you. You will acquire in-demand professional skills through building a real-life project for your portfolio. This one-month course, made up of 8 lessons, will introduce key components of the design thinking process and business skills required in the product design field. 1. Introduction to Product Design Learn about user-centered solutions, and apply the first stage of design thinking to your task. 2. Product Design in an Organization Understand how design thinking tasks guide product development, and create a high-level project plan. 3. Competitive Analysis & Problem Statements Formulate clear problem statements based on market insights, and learn market research techniques and analysis. 4. User Personas, Stories & Journeys Create effective user personas, user stories, and a user journey map based on user goals and needs. 5. Design Thinking Workshops & Facilitation Learn diverse methodologies, and plan a design thinking workshop to create a user journey map. 6. Idea Sketching Describe prototyping techniques, the iterative design process, user feedback, and create a low-fidelity prototype of your wireframes. 7. Usability Testing Develop a test plan that aligns with project goals and user needs, and conduct a usability test to test out your prototype. 8. Presenting Your Work Demonstrate a clear and engaging presentation of your design process and solution to stakeholders. As this Intro course constitutes the first Achievement of CareerFoundry’s more comprehensive Product Design career change program, it is also possible to sign up for the first part of the program "Intro to Product Design" first for $690 and then upgrade to the full program later—in this case you get $590 back towards the cost of the full program.

Product Design Program


40 weeks




Part Time


20 Hours/week





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In this program you’ll learn all the job skills, tools, and processes you need to become a qualified Product Designer—with a job guarantee to boot. You’ll receive individualized mentorship through CareerFoundry’s dual mentorship model that pairs you with not one but two Product Design professionals to support, advise, and give feedback throughout the program. The program is 100% online and flexibly-paced, and CareerFoundry’s curriculum is expert-authored and built entirely in-house. The learning experience this provides is rigorous, project-based, and adaptive—designed to empower you to acquire all the job-ready skills you’ll need to break into your new career. The full journey is split into four parts: Intro to Product Design, Product Design Immersion, your choice of one specialization (User Interface Design for Designers, Frontend Development for Designers, or Voice User Interface Design), and Job Preparation. This setup ensures you start out with the basics, and finish as an expert in Product Design with a professional portfolio with real-world projects to set you apart in the job market. You’ll also have a solid approach to your job search, and the ongoing support of CareerFoundry’s Career Services Team as you apply for jobs and prepare for interviews. With over 90% of CareerFoundry’s eligible graduates successfully landing jobs within six months of graduation, they’re confident about the quality and effectiveness of their process. Graduate from CareerFoundry’s Product Design Program, follow their job search guidelines, and you’ll land a job in the field within 180 days of graduation—or your money back.

Explore Common CareerFoundry Questions

CareerFoundry Courses

Does CareerFoundry Offer Prep Courses?

Yes, CareerFoundry offers prep courses on UX design, UI design, front end development, and data analytics. An introductory course can be a good option if you feel unsure about committing to an immersive course. The introductory courses are a great way to prepare for coding school as they will give you an excellent overview of the subject and help you master the basics.

A CareerFoundry prep course can be completed in one month and costs $690. However, if you decide to continue on to the related career-change course, you will receive a $590 tuition credit.

What Courses Are Offered at CareerFoundry?

CareerFoundry courses cover various tech subjects to help you build the foundation you need for a career in tech. These include Frontend Development for Designers, Web Development, Intro to UX Design, UI Design, and UI for UX Designers.

What Types of Programs are Available at CareerFoundry?

CareerFoundry programs are taught fully online. They are also asynchronous, meaning that you can study at your own pace according to your needs and schedule. This flexibility is great for working professionals. Although the lessons are asynchronous, you will still receive the support of coaches and peers throughout the program.

Does CareerFoundry Offer Workshops?

Yes, CareerFoundry does offer workshops. There are a variety of free CareerFoundry online events that feature introductory sessions, student success stories, and information about the bootcamps. You can begin to learn design principles with the An Introduction to Adobe XD workshop. These workshops can help you determine if you are ready for an immersive bootcamp.

CareerFoundry Admissions Process

What Is the CareerFoundry Admission Process?

CareerFoundry’s admission process is straightforward. You can apply for a course on its official website. Once you’ve submitted your application details, CareerFoundry will send you a guide featuring a summary of the selected course. You will also receive an invitation for a phone screening interview with a student advisor. This is just an informal chat, so there is no need to do any interview prep.

How Do I Prepare for CareerFoundry?

In order to prepare for your CareerFoundry bootcamp, it’s important that you define your goals clearly. Why do you want to take this step? Knowing this clearly will help you stay on track when you lose motivation. Make sure you ask all the questions you need before you enroll to ensure the program you chose is the right fit for you.

In addition, decide how much time you are going to spend on your studies daily or weekly and do your best to stick to this schedule. If you can, find a friend that will help you stay accountable, and don’t forget to lean on your coaches and mentors as you move forward.

How Do I Apply to CareerFoundry?

The CareerFoundry application process is very simple. You can apply to CareerFoundry by visiting its official website. Here are the basic steps to apply for CareerFoundry:

  1. On the website, decide on a program and proceed with your online application. The school requires you to fill in your contact details and background information.
  2. You will receive the CareerFoundry guide once you’ve applied. The guide features a summary of the course you’ve selected. You will also receive a link to schedule a phone interview conducted by an advisor.
  3. Complete the phone interview with a CareerFoundry admissions team representative and begin preparing for your course.

CareerFoundry is not hard to get into but it is important to show that you are committed to finishing a program throughout the admissions process. You should also show interest in the specific subject of your choice. For example, if you want to join the UI design bootcamp, you need to show that you are passionate about visual design.

What CareerFoundry Interview Questions Should I Expect?

During the application process, you will have a short CareerFoundry interview with a school representative. Expect simple and direct questions. You will be asked about your experience and career goals. You will also be questioned on your availability and preferred learning schedule. The admissions interview is important as it allows CareerFoundry to gauge how you will do in an intensive program.

Even though it is a conversational interview, make sure to prepare. Have clear goals for the program and practice your answers. This will help you speak confidently and show passion for the subject, which will help you ace your CareerFoundry interview.

What Is the CareerFoundry Acceptance Rate?

The CareerFoundry acceptance rate is not disclosed to the public. However, given that the admissions process is not strict, we can assume that you have a good chance of being accepted if you prepare, show your commitment, and follow the admissions process carefully.

To get into a CareerFoundry program, you will need to show that you are committed to developing skills to get a tech job. You should show the admissions team that you are ready to dedicate time and energy to the program of your choice.

How Do I Get Accepted Into CareerFoundry?

Getting accepted into a CareerFoundry program is easy. This learning platform is open to all students, so you shouldn’t have a problem getting in. However, to maximize your chances of getting accepted into the core programs or the advanced classes, consider taking one of the introductory courses. These courses are especially helpful if you do not have previous experience in your desired field.

Is CareerFoundry Hard to Get Into?

No, getting into CareerFoundry is not hard. CareerFoundry is open to all students. Show that you are committed and passionate about learning a new skill, and you will be accepted. Prior to the interview, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the basics of the subject you want to study to show your commitment.

CareerFoundry Payment Options

How Much Is CareerFoundry Tuition and Cost?

The CareerFoundry cost ranges from $690 to $7,900. The school’s introductory courses are the most affordable. These courses will help you to become familiar with the subject before you commit to an immersion program.

On the other hand, CareerFoundry’s bootcamp costs are more expensive because of the resources and depth they provide. In addition, these CareerFoundry courses allow students to work on exciting professional portfolio projects.

Although the programs are not free, CareerFoundry’s prices are affordable compared to other bootcamp offerings. CareerFoundry’s tuition can also be paid in monthly installments to help alleviate the financial burden.

How Can I Pay for CareerFoundry?

You can pay for CareerFoundry tuition with several different payment options. CareerFoundry payment options include the following:

  • Pay for your course upfront, which will make you eligible for a discount.
  • Pay a small deposit and then monthly installments.

There is no official CareerFoundry deferred tuition plan, but customized payment plans can be available in certain cases.

Does CareerFoundry Offer Scholarships?

No, there is no CareerFoundry scholarship option. However, veterans and active US military personnel do qualify for a tuition reduction. CareerFoundry states that it will offer scholarships occasionally but these opportunities are not consistently available. For example, the school has offered in the past a Women in Tech Scholarship that provided a 19 percent tuition reduction.

Students of CareerFoundry can also feel good knowing that all of the career-change programs come with a six-month money-back job guarantee. Under this policy, students who are not able to find a relevant job within just six months will receive a full refund.

Does CareerFoundry Have a Refund Policy?

Yes, there is a CareerFoundry refund policy. If students are not happy with their program, they can receive a full refund within the first two weeks. Further, if students have completed 60 percent or less of the program, they can qualify for a prorated refund.

Perhaps most interesting for students is CareerFoundry’s money-back job guarantee. Under this policy, students of career-change bootcamp programs can get a full refund of their tuition if they do not get a job within six months of graduation.

Does CareerFoundry Offer a Job Guarantee?

Yes, CareerFoundry offers students a job guarantee. If you fail to land a job within six months of graduation, you will receive your full tuition back. However, to qualify for this offer you need to fulfill the CareerFoundry job guarantee terms, including applying to five jobs a week and living in a metropolitan area.

CareerFoundry Student Outcomes

How Much Do CareerFoundry Graduates Earn?

CareerFoundry does not publish figures on graduates’ salaries. However, it has claimed that, on average, its students experience a salary increase of $13,725 after their program. In addition, 47 percent of graduates reported a salary increase of $10,000 to $20,000. CareerFoundry graduates work at companies such as Google, PayPal, and Facebook, so it is fair to assume that they enjoy lucrative salaries.

What Companies Hire CareerFoundry Graduates?

A wide range of tech companies, such as Google and Facebook, hire CareerFoundry graduates. In addition, you can find CareerFoundry graduates with successful careers at Amazon, eBay,, Visa, Mercedes-Benz, Netflix, Bank of America, Apple, WordPress, BBC, and Paypal.

Among CareerFoundry graduates, 52 percent work in the US and 29 percent work in Europe. They now hold job titles such as ​​visual designer, interaction designer, web developer, product designer, and more.


Answers to commonly asked questions

How many students does this school have?

CareerFoundry has over students and graduates as of 2024. This number will only continue to grow as more and more students take advantage of the courses offered here.

What courses are offered at CareerFoundry?

CareerFoundry offers several courses in different tech subjects, including: Intro to Product Design, Product Design Program.

What types of programs are available at CareerFoundry?

CareerFoundry currently has Online, Full-time, Part-time and Self-paced types of programs available to new students.

What financing options are offered by CareerFoundry?

This school offers a variety of different financing options, including: Deferred Tuition, Upfront Payments, Month-to-month Installments, Loan Financing. With these payment methods, nearly anyone can attend CareerFoundry.

Where is CareerFoundry available?

CareerFoundry is an online program. Check out its student reviews to figure out if its the right program for you.

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