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Google Web Developer Interview Questions
Google is one of the world’s most powerful and influential companies. You may use their phones, home devices, map services, search engine, or even their glasses. Whichever Google products you use, there’s no denying that google has most likely had…
How to Learn Programming in Python
The Python programming language has achieved astonishing success as a general-purpose tool for solving problems in data science, machine learning, scientific computing, web development, engineering, and virtually everything else. It’s universality is nothing short of astonishing, which means you have…
Web Designer Salary
Web development is a thriving industry with a whole host of design opportunities. Fundamentally, web designers are programmers with additional creative abilities. These professionals create all of the websites that we know and love and continuously improve the interfaces that…
How to Become a Game Developer
Games are a huge part of modern life and culture, and many aspiring techies would like to build games for a living. If this interests you at all, you’ve come to the right place. In this piece we’ll discuss what…
How to Make More Money in Information Technology
Maybe you’re a seasoned tech pro, or maybe you’re fresh out of bootcamp and on your first tech job. Whatever your situation, you want to make as much money as you can with your technical prowess. Knowing how to make…
Coding for Beginners
If you pay attention to anything tech-related, you’ve undoubtedly run into the terms ‘coding’ and ‘programming’ many times. But what do these words actually mean, and what does it look like? Coding and programming are usually interchangeable terms, and they…
What to Expect with Coding Bootcamp Projects
If you’ve made the decision to attend a coding bootcamp, no doubt you want to do everything you can to inform yourself about the challenges ahead. And since bootcamps famously focus on projects for learning the material and building a…
How Much Do Web Developers Make?
When you think about a well-paying career, what do you imagine? If you’re thinking about skilled trade professionals, lawyers, and medical professionals, you’d be right—but there’s a new and lucrative position that also pays very well. As we already know,…
What Are Coding Bootcamps Like?
When I began contemplating attending a data science bootcamp, I spent a lot of time researching the sorts of subjects that would be covered, the technologies I would learn how to use, the prospects for graduates getting hired, and what…
Why Attend Coding Bootcamp?
Coding bootcamps have taken their place beside self-directed learning and traditional education as one of the accepted ways into one of the best tech jobs. But they also represent a sizeable investment of time, energy, and money. Given this fact,…
Python vs Java: Jobs
Python and Java are two extremely popular programming languages. Each can be found and deployed in an astonishingly diverse set of applications, and each is routinely recommended to new programmers as a great place to start learning.  But when choosing…
Coding Bootcamp Syllabus
I can tell you from experience that entering a coding bootcamp can be very intimidating, especially if you have basically no technical background. A sensible step to take to alleviate some of this anxiety is to familiarize yourself with the…
Python vs. Java: Web Development
As two of the most popular programming languages in the world, Python and Java have been used for almost everything. Web development is no exception. If you’re considering becoming a web developer or going to a web development bootcamp, it’s…
Amazon Front End Developer Interview Questions
Originally a small online bookseller, Amazon was founded in Seattle, Washington back in 1994. What started as a small concept has multiplied into a multi-national company making over $10+ billion every year. Amazon currently employees over 300,000 workers in the…
How Can I Learn Programming on My Own?
Learning to program is both a daunting and noble task. The job prospects are endless, the creative ability is amazing, and coding is effectively the language of the future. So, why not learn it? You’re an independent learner looking for…
University of Adelaide Coding Bootcamp Guide
Australia is really setting an example for university-based coding bootcamps to the rest of the world. Following suit with schools such as the University of Melbourne, the University of Adelaide recently announced its new coding bootcamp. This program, which was…
Python and Java Integration
Python and Java stand as two of the most successful and widely-used programming languages of all time. They’ve been deployed for everything from backend and front end web development to building intricate, bleeding-edge machine learning models.  It’s no surprise then…
Is HTML Easy to Learn?
Is HTML easy to learn? What is HTML? How do I start? These are just a few of the many questions that you may be asking yourself as you embark on your own coding journey. Have no fear, Career Karma…
Ultimate Glossary of Coding Terms
A Agile Software Development - Agile is a common paradigm for software development. Projects are organized around ‘sprints’, which are usually about a week long. Coders are encouraged to write simple programs that are frequently tested, and to deliver their…
How to Find the Coding of a Website
Unless you printed this article off on a piece of paper, it’s a safe bet that you’re reading it on a website. You probably also bank on a website, chat with friends on a website, buy socks and books on…
Coding Basics: Java
When choosing which of the many programming languages you want to learn, going with the one that’s arguably the most widely-used is a pretty good bet. And that would be Java. Because Java has been around since the mid 1990s,…
Top Tools for Visualizing Data
There you are, a junior data scientist on one of your first big projects after transitioning into one of 2019’s best careers. You’ve written crisp, well-documented code that’s effective and organized. After carefully reviewing the assumptions required for your analysis,…
What Are the Best Resources to Learn R for Free?
Though it doesn’t rank as high as Python, SQL, or a few other languages for data science, R remains a popular tool for doing statistical computing. It has been expanded for 20 years by researchers wanting to make analysis and…
Website Coding for Beginners
If you’re looking to learn more about coding websites as a beginner, you’ve come to the right place. Career Karma specializes in getting you into the tech career of you dreams, and web developers are in as high demand as…
How to Make Your Software Engineer Resume Stand Out
As you’re nearing the end of a coding bootcamp and beginning your job search, you should make sure your software engineer resume is as strong as possible. It’s an extremely competitive landscape, with hundreds and sometimes thousands of people applying…
The Top Scrum Project Management Course Opportunities for 2019
As a coder, you’ve worked on both front end and backend applications and have been a member in countless project teams. Now, you’re ready to make the jump to project management, and you want to start getting some training and…
How to Become a Web Developer: What Is the Best Web Developer Career Path?
Web developers built the Internet, and they will continue to be vital as long as people use websites every day. Every webpage or piece of software we use has been meticulously programmed by a web developer. As the popularity of…
Python vs. Java: Differences
Python and Java are two of the most popular programming languages around. Being that they’re both relatively old and stable, both have built up a community of thousands of users, extensive collections of third party modules, and more use cases…
How to Prepare for a Data Science Bootcamp
So, it has finally happened. You’ve spent weeks or months thinking about what you wanted your next move to be, settling on data science. And you’ve spent weeks or months researching the best ways to get into that field, settling…
Five Businesses You Can Start with Tech Skills
Tech is awesome. Thanks to the recent innovations in computing and communication, it’s now possible to start a myriad of new businesses—some from home—with just a few months of technology training. The future looks bright for people with tech skills,…
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