Search Results For: social work
Top 5 Tools for Data Analysis
Getting into data analytics is one of the best careers moves you can make in 2019. We live in a world practically flooded by numbers representing consumer preferences in movies, food, books, and music, whether a person is likely to…
How to Become a Web Developer: What Is the Best Web Developer Career Path?
Web developers built the Internet, and they will continue to be vital as long as people use websites every day. Every webpage or piece of software we use has been meticulously programmed by a web developer. As the popularity of…
Where to Find the Best Online UI Design Courses, Classes, and Training
The job of a user interface (UI) designer requires advanced technical skills. If you have basic knowledge of computer programming or graphic design, you can upskill by enrolling in online UI design courses or UI design bootcamps. The training you…
Tech Jobs that Don’t Require a Computer Science Degree
In the past, breaking into tech wasn’t that easy for most people. With a few notable exceptions (Jobs and Zuckerberg), the most straightforward path into a tech career was through a four-year college program. It made a lot of sense…
Imposter Syndrome: Conquering Your Fears To Break Into Tech
Photo by Monique Hawkins “What would you attempt in life if you knew you could not fail?” This question was posed to me by a friend over dinner. It sent me through a quandary of emotions that only my Career…
The Top Four Sites to Find Junior Developer Jobs
You’ve finally made it through training, and you’re ready to enter the workforce. You’re a brand-new coder, fresh out of college, bootcamp, or self-education, and it’s time to start job hunting. Knowing the top sites to find junior developer jobs…
What Can I Make With Javascript?
Project-based learning is arguably the best way to approach programming. Unlike a field like history or philosophy where you can learn through reading and reflection, coding is something that has to be tinkered with, explored, and approached actively. This is…
Careers in Technology and Design
Ah, the age-old tale of left-brained vs. right-brained folks. Many have always believed that a person is either analytical and technology-driven (“left-brained”), or they are creative and artistically-driven (“right-brained”). However, this is mostly likely not the case! Why can’t a…
Coding Graduate: How to Find a Job
What You Need to Know Before You Apply So, you’re a coding graduate. Hooray! Now, what should you do after coding bootcamp? Resumes and your website are the most important tools for coding graduates, so you should make sure both…
How Much Does a Facebook Data Scientist Earn?
For all the controversy that has surrounded the popular social networking platform in recent years, Facebook remains a highly visible company that draws significant technological talent. With truly staggering amounts of data and a variety of interesting projects to choose…
Top 3 Tips to Prepare for an Interview
Getting invited to interview with a company can bring equal parts excitement and anxiety. But if you prepare for your conversations the same way you would a test at school, you will be able to go into the interview with…
Top Gig Economy Jobs that Pay Well and Where to Find Them
The future of work is being shaped by people who need to turn to side hustles and gig economy jobs to earn extra income. The internet has made it possible to access numerous job opportunities that can lead to extra…
Data Scientist Salary: How Much Can You Make?
Big data is the future. In business, the public sphere, your private life— you’ll find big data everywhere. Today, whenever you engage in an activity of any kind, be it buying gas for your car or choosing a television show…
Important Technology Skills for Resume Greatness
Stop me if you’ve heard this one: you’re in the middle of a job interview for something non-technical--maybe a marshmallow inspector position or a job along those lines. You and the hiring manager are getting along great until she scans…
What I Wish I Knew Before Entering a Coding Bootcamp
Now that I’m 11 weeks into a coding bootcamp, and nearly done (15 weeks), I’ve begun to realize that there were a ton of things I wish I knew from the start. Of course, not all coding bootcamps are created…
The Future of Talent: Inclusive & Technical
Recently, Glassdoor released a list of 15 companies that no longer require a college degree for employment. The list includes companies like Home Depot and Whole Foods as well as tech giants like IBM and Google. IBM’s Vice President, Joanna Daley, told…
How to Build a Programming Portfolio on Github
Well done, you! You did the research, found a good coding bootcamp, did their pre-work, found funding, and quit your job or took a leave of absence and committed 3+ months to acquiring a new, valuable, skill. Most importantly, you…
The Breaking Into Startups Manifesto
You can break into tech from any background, but the first product you build is yourself. The problem is that there is no centralized resource to show you how to do this and employers are still focused on hiring people…
The Reality of Breaking Into Startups
The First Product You Build Is Yourself From the Social Network to Silicon Valley, the media frenzy surrounding the nature of startups has taken on an idealized life of its own. What many people don’t realize is, proving that you have…
Breaking Into Startups
From Cello to Investment Banking to AltSchool Breaking into Tech with a “non-technical” background is hard. The same barriers that exist in finance also exist with Startups. This post lays out the specific action steps that I followed to make…