I started a coding bootcamp nearly 10 months ago with no technical experience. I just landed my first job offer as a software developer! How did I do it and what would I advise others to do after coding bootcamp? I will answer these questions in detail below and tell you everything you need to know about life after a coding bootcamp.
Coding bootcamps are becoming an increasingly popular way of gaining tech skills. According to Career Karma’s State of the Bootcamp Market Report, over 115,000 people graduated from a bootcamp between 2021 and 2022.
In this article, I will discuss life after a coding bootcamp. I will help you figure out what to do after coding bootcamp, how to keep learning, how to nail the job interview, and possible careers to consider. I will also go over common pitfalls to avoid and tips to help you succeed during the job search.
Key Takeaways
In this article, I give multiple tips on how to manage your life after bootcamp and succeed in the job search. Here are the main takeaways:
- Instead of trying to master all technologies, focus on one tech stack post-bootcamp to avoid skill dilution.
- Set realistic job search expectations. While bootcamp graduates have in-demand skills, finding a tech job takes effort and time. Be prepared for a potentially lengthy search.
- Interview preparation matters. Practice mock interviews to improve communication, posture, and technical skills. Emphasize soft skills like critical thinking and teamwork.
- Join online coding communities like GitHub, Reddit, and Stack Overflow to network and learn from both newcomers and experienced developers.
- Go beyond bootcamp curriculum; delve into theoretical knowledge to enhance coding skills and stand out during interviews. The learning never ends.
- Establish a consistent daily routine to maintain focus, prevent burnout, and emulate a work environment.
Focus On the Coding Skills That Matter
I may not be the model for what happens after a bootcamp because, immediately upon graduating, I took on way more projects than I could handle. Firstly, I wanted to go back and solidify all the technologies I didn’t feel super confident in (read: all of them). Since we learned Python, JavaScript, and C#, that was an impossible order.
That amount of work, especially for a relative newcomer (I only had four months of total software experience at that point!) was impossible and counterproductive. After a month or two of this backward and destructive state, I had effectively reverted my skills and abilities to a very primitive level where I could barely write a new line of code.
The answer to this problem is to focus! This is perhaps the most important lesson I learned and the most common piece of advice that I give for life after a coding bootcamp. When you graduate, do not try to learn everything! After a coding bootcamp, pick ONE tech stack and split your time between applying to jobs and working in that stack. Do not neglect any of the pieces in that stack for too long lest you forget them.
Be Reasonable in Your Job Search Expectations
When it comes to getting a job after a coding bootcamp, there are several elements I will address. I know as well as anyone that when you are unemployed after a coding bootcamp, it may feel very stressful. However, bootcamp graduates have the technical skills to land a high-paying career in tech. In addition, bootcamp grads often have access to resources like career coaches and interview prep. Even with in-demand skills and expert advice, I know firsthand that the career transition period is overwhelming.
When it comes to life after a coding bootcamp, finding career opportunities is the most crucial. So, in this section, I will provide various tips for getting a job after a coding bootcamp. The bad news is that it will take a lot of work. The good news is that a job in tech is well worth it. Here is how you can find the right career opportunities.
Which Positions Should I Apply to?
I felt very confused with all of the choices of jobs after my coding bootcamp. During my bootcamp experience, I learned three full stacks (Python, JavaScript, and C#), so why shouldn’t I apply to jobs in all three areas? Well, you can, but like I just discussed above, you should definitely focus on one area when it comes to finding a different career after a coding bootcamp.
If you are applying to jobs, or have recruiters calling you with potential job leads for a career in tech you had decided not to focus on, you will be tempted to apply to them regardless (“maybe I’ll get this job!”). The problem then arises once you start doing interview prep or coding challenges in these unrelated areas since it totally distracts you from your focused stack.
My recommendation is not to apply to those jobs after a coding bootcamp at all. If you want to, apply and let them know in the interview that you aren’t focusing on those areas but can pick them up again very quickly while showing off your abilities in the area that you are focusing on. I have several friends who went off and got jobs after their coding bootcamp in Java or other languages by demonstrating their skills in C#. A good company wants you for your ability to think and learn quickly, not for how many methods you have memorized.
How Long Will It Take Me to Find a Job?
I was a bit naive about what happens after a coding bootcamp. I honestly thought that I would land a job within a week of graduating, two weeks at the most. Obviously, that was an insane projection (I’m starting to see a pattern here…).
To that end, I turned down the opportunity to apply for the open TA position at Coding Dojo, which was an enormous mistake in hindsight. My friends who became TAs out of the gate maintained their schedules and vastly increased their knowledge and experience, in addition to earning a paycheck as part-time employees.
So, how long did it take me to find a job after my coding bootcamp experience? It took me a little more than six months for me to land a job offer. All told, I recommend budgeting a minimum of three months, both financially and emotionally, to fund a job after a coding bootcamp experience. The job search process can be grueling, and sometimes us bootcamp grads just need some time to decompress before we set out on our new career path.
How Do I Get My First Job After Bootcamp? Top Tips to Succeed After Your Program
If you have no clue regarding what to do after your bootcamp, the tips below will come in handy. These are based on my personal experience and what worked for me, but I think that most bootcamps grads would also agree with them:
Tip 1: Take a Vacation After Coding Bootcamp
Completing a coding bootcamp is an intense achievement, and it definitely warrants some post-graduation downtime. After investing substantial effort with 12–15 hour daily study sessions, I believed I had earned a break. However, my unfocused downtime, which was characterized by erratic sleep and excessive media consumption, was detrimental. It dulled my newly acquired programming skills, as I prioritized job search and recruiter interactions. Consequently, my software development practice suffered due to time constraints.
While celebrating post-bootcamp success is crucial, it must be balanced and time-bound. A revitalizing reward, like a skiing trip or beach vacation, should reenergize the mind, body, and soul and is much more effective than passive activities like binge-watching shows. Remember, this celebration isn’t about indulgence, but rather constructive rejuvenation. Thoughtfully select the rewards that can provide the vitality you need to approach the next career phase enthusiastically and effectively.
Tip 2: Continue Practicing and Learning
In securing my recent job, I believe my inclination to go beyond the standard curriculum played a role. Rather than focusing solely on basic algorithms, I delved into higher-level concepts like Git, SOLID principles, and technical diagram design. This theoretical knowledge is lacking in bootcamp education, but it enhances coding skills and distinguishes candidates during interviews.
While coding is crucial, grasping theory is also important, especially for bootcamp grads. Understanding JavaScript’s primitive value copying versus object copying by reference proves invaluable. Integrating this deeper knowledge into job applications showcases comprehensive learning and appeals to interviewers, though balance with practical coding is key for a successful software development career.
Tip 3: Adhere to a Schedule
Establishing a structured schedule is vital for securing a programming job post-bootcamp. The job search can be long, taking around six months or more, and having a dedicated routine can prevent frustration. I kept a normal schedule as if I was working a normal job. I woke up on time (5:30 AM!), learned, prayed, and went off to “work”. At 7 PM I would either go to a networking event, the gym, or head home. Creating and maintaining this structure was essential in helping me prevent burnout while I studied and searched for a job.
Utilizing resources like a bootcamp’s extended access can also be beneficial. Coding Dojo, for instance, has a six-month access agreement with bootcamp alumni, and I took full advantage of that. Every morning I woke up and came to the Dojo where I sat, studied, worked, and applied. The Dojo staff was extremely accommodating and allowed me to use their space. This is not just my experience: if you read any Coding Dojo bootcamp reviews, you can see that many other students have only good things to say about the instructors.
Tip 4: Prepare for the Interview Thoroughly
This is something that I wish I had taken more seriously at the beginning of my job search. The interview stage of the job search process is often the hardest to get through. Interviews can be intimidating for job seekers, but one thing that helped me was practicing the practical skills that are needed in an interview.
I did a lot of mock interviews with my friends so that I could work on my eye contact, posture, and pronunciation. I also did technical interview practice by finding different coding challenges online. One thing that I really had to learn was how to communicate my soft skills effectively. At the beginning of my job search, I was so focused on my technical skills (as you have probably seen in this guide already) that I totally overlooked how important things like critical thinking skills and teamwork are to employers.
Tip 5: Join an Online Community
There were times that I felt quite alone during my life after a coding bootcamp. Before I started going back to the Dojo, I felt like I had suddenly lost touch with the coding community. Sure, I had friends who were in the same boat as me, but, like I said earlier, they were playing a lot of video games.
Then, online coding communities came to my rescue! I don’t know why I didn’t think about it earlier but there are tons of online communities that anyone can join to discuss and learn about all things coding. The big benefit of these communities is that you can talk to people who are also new to the industry and also learn from experienced developers. All in one place! Check out the best online communities for coders for life after a coding bootcamp below.
Top Communities to Help You During the Job Hunt
- GitHub
- Stack Overflow
- Digital Ocean
- Hashnode
Books to Help You Prepare for Your Interview
Lucky for us job seekers, there are many different books out there that can help you prepare for an interview. The process of interviews is as old as time, and everyone has gone through them from store clerks to presidents. And, as we all know, they aren’t always a walk in the park. This is especially true for technical coding interviews.

"Career Karma entered my life when I needed it most and quickly helped me match with a bootcamp. Two months after graduating, I found my dream job that aligned with my values and goals in life!"
Venus, Software Engineer at Rockbot
When I got lost trying to prepare for my interviews, I decided to turn to the experts, or at least those who had enough credibility to get published. The books listed below are helpful resources for learning the practical skills needed to ace your next technical interview!
Top Books to Nail Your Interview
- Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell
- 40 Algorithms Every Programmer Should Know by Imran Ahmad
- Programming Interviews Exposed by John Mongan
- Coding Interviews by Harry He
- Coding Interview Questions by Narasimha Karumanchi
Online Courses to Help You Get Ready for a Coding Interview
I know I just told you that books are great, but my preferred way to prepare for technical interviews is through online courses. Luckily for me, there are tons and tons of online courses that can help bootcamp grads better prepare for coding interviews. Below are some of the best paid and free online courses I found.
Top Courses to Prepare for Your Interview
- Master the Coding Interview on Udemy
- 11 Essential Coding Interview Questions + Coding Exercises! on Udemy
- Technical Interview Practice with Python by Codecademy
- Pass the Technical Interview with JavaScript by Codeacademy
- Nail Your Next Full Stack Development Interview by Interview Kickstart
Top Free Courses to Ace Your Interview
- Technical Interview Prep by CodePath.org
- Mastering the Software Engineering Interview on Coursera
- Coding Interview Prep by freeCodeCamp
- Java 8 Interview Questions Preparation Course on Udemy
- Front-End Interview Prep on Udacity
Life After Coding Bootcamp: Lessons Learned
Here’s a synopsis of what you should and should not do after you graduate from a bootcamp:
- Give yourself a time-constrained reward for getting through your program.
- Determine what tech stack you want to focus on and what jobs you want to apply to.
- Create a maintainable schedule.
- Spend some of your time learning high-level concepts.
- Find somewhere to go every day where you can work (not at home).
- Expect the job search to take you a minimum of three months.
- Keep on working!
Remember, if you’re feeling discouraged, inadequate, or like an imposter, don’t! This is often what happens after a bootcamp. However, you have come far, and your skills are likely far greater than you appreciate. Do not expect perfection from yourself since nobody is perfect. Work as hard as you are able to, and you are sure to succeed, especially if you follow these tips on what to do after a coding bootcamp.
Good luck!
About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication.