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Evangelia Fragouli

Copy Editor

Evangelia is an experienced editor based in Thessaloniki, Greece. After earning a BSc in Physics and an MSc in Radiation and Environmental Protection, she decided to focus on the written word. Evangelia now holds a TEFL Certificate and a Diploma in Proofreading and Editing. Having completed a mid-life career change herself, Evangelia’s goal is to help aspiring professionals overcome obstacles to find their dream role in tech. Outside of work, she enjoys traveling.

Python SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to ‘print’ Solution
In Python 3, you must enclose all print statements with parenthesis. If you try to print out a string to the console without enclosing the string in parenthesis, you’ll encounter the “SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to ‘print’” error. This…
Python SyntaxError: can’t assign to literal Solution
Variables cannot be assigned to literal values like strings or numbers. If you try to assign a variable to a literal, you’ll encounter the “SyntaxError: can’t assign to literal” error. This guide discusses what this error means and why you…
Python TypeError: ‘type’ object is not subscriptable Solution
“type” is a special keyword in Python that denotes a value whose type is a data type. If you try to access a value from an object whose data type is “type”, you’ll encounter the “TypeError: ‘type’ object is not…
Python: Retrieve the Index of the Max Value in a List
Through indexing, you can retrieve an item or range of items from a list. You can only retrieve a specific item from a list if you know the index number associated with that value. To find the index value of…
Python: Pad Zeros
Some numbers need to begin with a zero or multiple zeros. For instance, a user ID may need to have a certain number of zeros at the start if it is under a certain number so all ID numbers are…
Python TypeError: unhashable type: ‘slice’ Solution
Values in a Python dictionary cannot be sliced like a list. This is because dictionaries can have custom key values. They are not indexed from zero. If you try to slice a dictionary as if it were a list, you’ll…
Python TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: ‘nonetype’ and ‘str’ Solution
Strings can be concatenated in Python. This lets you merge the value of two or more strings into one string. If you try to concatenate a string and a value equal to None, you’ll encounter the “TypeError: unsupported operand type(s)…
Why You Should Become a Notary
Official paperwork often needs a stamp of approval from a professional called a notary public. But what exactly is a notary and where can you learn how to become a notary? Below is Career Karma’s guide to what it means…
How to Become a Carpenter: Work With Your Hands
Building something with your hands (assisted by some power tools) can be an extremely satisfying feeling. If you want to learn how to become a carpenter, then read on to learn why a carpentry career is a mixture of careful…
How to Become a CNA in 2020
Certified nursing assistants (CNAs) are the foot soldiers of the healthcare industry. They are crucial workers in the field of medicine who perform a variety of roles regarding patient care. If you want to learn how to become a CNA…
How to Become a Park Ranger: Turn Your Love of the Environment into a Career
Seeing nature, enjoying the beauty of our state and national parks, these are things everyone should get to enjoy. If you want to help everyone enjoy the beauty of our parks while also preserving them, then you should learn how…
How to Become an Actor: Overcoming Rejection to Land Your Big Break
There is no magical formula on how to become an actor: there are many possible paths to get there. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to move to New York City or Los Angeles to make it as an…
How to Become an Air Traffic Controller in 2020
Ever wondered how planes coordinate in the air while traveling across continents and oceans? Without air traffic controllers, none of it would be possible. If you want to make sure pilots and passengers arrive at their destinations safely, then learning…
How to Become an Optometrist
If you are interested in the eyes and visual systems, then learning how to become an optometrist might the right career path for you. This article will guide you through the stages of becoming an optometrist, from what undergraduate degree…
How to Become a Vet Tech: A Career Guide for Animal Lovers
Pets need careful love and attention and sometimes the help of a trained veterinarian. If you want to help veterinarians with procedures and check-ups to keep animals healthy, then you should learn how to become a vet tech. Being a…
How to Become a Music Producer
Music producers oversee all facets of a recording session and production of a recording artist’s music. Music producers have many roles that include gathering songs, controlling the process through mixing and mastering, and coaching an artist. Becoming a music producer…
How to Find Scholarships for Graduate Students
When most people are considering how to finance their advanced degree, they overlook graduate school scholarships. Many think of scholarships as something you get as an undergraduate student and assume there are few if any scholarships for graduate school. In…
How To Become A Pilot
Being above the clouds and looking at the city below brings a sense of excitement to anyone. Flying high among the clouds staring out through the window makes anyone feel calmed and relaxed. You trust the pilot to get you…
Education Options to Become a Midwife
When you hear the term ‘midwife,’ you may think of it as an archaic term that we have moved past as a society. However, that couldn’t be more incorrect and many people are still learning how to become a midwife.…
Key Steps to Become a CPA
It's not surprising that one of the most profitable careers in finance is a CPA. CPAs, or certified public accountants, are the ultimate experts in the realm of accounting. If you are great at crunching numbers, balancing budgets, and think…
Job Outlook if Looking to Become a Journalist
Journalism is appealing to almost anyone who enjoys creative writing and educating others about current events. If this sounds like you, you should learn how to become a journalist. Being able to combine two passions for a paying job is…
How to Become a Nurse Practitioner in 2021
If a person is asked what a typical nurse does, he or she will probably answer: helps a doctor, checks on patients or changes the bedding. The answer may not be ideal, but nurses are actually some of the most…
Becoming a Registered Dietitian: Key Changes to Educational Requirements
A registered dietitian (RD) is an expert in health and nutrition. They use their skills to help people come up with a diet that aids them in a variety of ways, whether to help improve their overall health, avoid allergies,…
Start a Successful Career as a Copywriter: How to Get Your First Client
Copywriters, or marketing writers, are in high demand. Their expertise is needed by companies and organizations of all types to better communicate with their audience. Today, the need for copywriters for businesses, both large and small, is constant. Below, our…
Requirements to Become a Physician Assistant
If you have ever had a cold or minor injury, you have likely visited a physician assistant to be diagnosed and treated. But, have you ever thought about becoming one? Learning how to become a physician assistant is a great…
Key Steps to Become a Project Manager
Are you great at managing people? Do you make sure your projects get done? If so, you should learn how to become a project manager. Project management is a great career for anyone who enjoys leading teams. Project managers perform…
Easiest Way to Become a Mechanic
If you love cars and understanding the way they work, consider becoming a mechanic. Learning how to become a mechanic is perfect for people who love the inner workings of vehicles and making them run properly.  Mechanics work on all…
Key Steps to Become a CRNA
Whether getting a cavity filled at the dentist’s office or getting serious surgery, medical procedures can be stressful. A nasty mixture of vulnerability and possible pain can be a hard pill to swallow. If you learn how to become a…
A Guide to Becoming an Occupational Therapist
Occupational therapy (OT) is a unique profession in which you help various people in different stages of their life. If you want to learn how to become an occupational therapist and what responsibilities the job entails, check out our guide…
Benefits of Becoming or Using a Life Coach
Let’s face it: life can be filled with a lot of uncertainty. For some, it may seem like everyone else has their act together. They know what job they want, what school to go to, and what life to lead.…
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