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Ellie Jordan

Copy Editor

Ellie is a teacher and content editor from Minnesota currently based in Granada, Spain. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies and Environmental Science from the University of Minnesota. Along with editing articles for Career Karma, she works as an assistant teacher of English in Spain and does volunteer work for the Sierra Club of Minnesota. Ellie is eager to learn as much as she can about technology and the global community while mastering her writing and editing skills. Being a native English speaker in Spain, her professional interests include global perspective, language, urban planning, and environmental issues. Outside of work, Ellie enjoys travel, history, reading, music, and being outside.

Senior Front End Developer Interview Questions
Senior front end developers have one of the highest paying jobs in the tech industry. The average senior front end developer  makes over $114,000 per year. Senior front end developers are in high demand as the tech industry focuses on…
How to Code in Java
There aren’t many programming career paths for which learning Java would be a poor investment. Often touted as the most widely-used language of all time, Java is part of everything from old legacy software hidden on a company’s mainframe to…
How to Code in JavaScript
In terms of popularity, JavaScript ranks up there with the all-time most used languages. Just about every web developer learns it after HTML and CSS, and it figures prominently in many of the major tasks web developers perform. JavaScript is…
Top Machine Learning Projects to Sharpen Your Skills and Build Your Machine Learning Portfolio
Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that gives computers the capability to learn without being instructed. Using data and algorithms, machines gradually learn from experience, similar to the way humans learn. Machine learning is an attractive discipline as…
How to Debug JavasScript with Chrome
Even for professionals, coding isn’t easy. That’s probably why developers spend a large amount of their time hunting down bugs in their code. Sometimes a bug is obvious, causing the entire program to break all at once. Other times a…
What Are the Common Challenges Facing Mobile Developers?
It’s likely that you’re one of the approximately 1000% of people who use smartphones. This being the case, you’re familiar with the vast array of applications available for everything from meal planning to time tracking to banking to identifying plant…
Is Data Analysis the Same As Data Science?
It stands to reason that if you’ve been researching technology careers you’ve come across this ‘data science’ thing all the kids are talking about. The hype is at least somewhat justified, as it turns out. Data scientists and data analysts…
Top Data Visualization Projects for Beginners
The reason everyone is so excited about big data and data science is because of the enormous potential data has to transform the way business, education, healthcare, and many other fields operate, for the better. Coaxing insights out of huge…
How to Code in HTML
Learning HTML is arguably the first step any aspiring web developer should take. In addition to the fact that it’s a component in every web page on the internet, HTML is also just about the easiest thing you can do…
How to Code a Game
Gaming is a popular pastime, and it's getting more popular with every passing year. Not only are there now thousands of expansive, engrossing titles available; there are now internationally-recognized gaming competitions where the biggest names in e-sports gather to play…
How to Code a Website From Scratch with HTML and CSS
Web development is one of the fastest-growing tech careers in the industry. Knowing how to code a website opens up several job opportunities for a career in tech. It requires an understanding of several coding languages, design workflows, and more.…
How to Learn Programming in Python
The Python programming language has achieved astonishing success as a general-purpose tool for solving problems in data science, machine learning, scientific computing, web development, engineering, and virtually everything else. It’s universality is nothing short of astonishing, which means you have…
What’s the Difference between UX and UI?
As a discipline matures, it begins to spawn ever-more-subtle subdisciplines corresponding to finer and finer distinctions between different kinds of tasks. From the outside, it can be hard to appreciate the characteristics which distinguish subdiscipline A from subdiscipline B, a…
The Most Mind-Blowing Technology Industry Books of 2019
Technology is everywhere today, from the hottest jobs to the most influential business trends. Staying on top of the technology conversation is crucial to folks who want to have successful tech careers. Having a current reading list of the most…
The Most Important IT Industry Trends of 2019
As a techie working in one of the hottest IT sectors around today, you’re no doubt aware of how quickly tech-based business changes. If you want to succeed in technology, you need to stay on top of the latest approaches.…
Web Designer Salary
Web development is a thriving industry with a whole host of design opportunities. Fundamentally, web designers are programmers with additional creative abilities. These professionals create all of the websites that we know and love and continuously improve the interfaces that…
What are Tracking Pixels and Why Are They Important?
What’s a tracking pixel? It’s just about as interesting as it sounds, and you’ve probably loaded thousands of them (or more) this year alone. But are they a privacy concern? Tracking pixels themselves, despite their almost Orwellian name, are actually…
How to Become a Game Developer
Games are a huge part of modern life and culture, and many aspiring techies would like to build games for a living. If this interests you at all, you’ve come to the right place. In this piece we’ll discuss what…
How to Make More Money in Information Technology
Maybe you’re a seasoned tech pro, or maybe you’re fresh out of bootcamp and on your first tech job. Whatever your situation, you want to make as much money as you can with your technical prowess. Knowing how to make…
How to Make Your Behance Portfolio Stand Out in 2020
As a UX/UI designer, you’re in one of the top tech professions of today. You know how to make your visuals sing to the customer, and you have an intuitive grasp of graphic interface fundamentals. To put those skills to…
How to Make Money with Computer Skills
As a tech-savvy person in the modern world, you know that information technology is the place to be when you want to find a sweet gig with great pay. But, it can be tough to know how to get started.…
Top Tech Design Careers
Virtually anyone can leverage their natural aptitudes in the tech industry, and artistic design is no exception. There are all sorts of design careers in tech, and each offers you a chance to earn a high salary. No matter what…
What is WordPress?
Today, millions of websites occupy the internet—but very few people know how to code them from scratch. As a result, website building and blogging platforms such as WordPress sprang up to make site creation seamless. WordPress is one of the…
The Easiest Tech Jobs to Get Into in 2019
You’ve always had something of a “silicon thumb.” Your family always comes to you when they need a gadget repaired or their computer de-virused, and you want to turn that into a career. There are a ton of excellent tech…
The Most Useful Digital Marketing Types for Your Company
You finished your coding bootcamp, and you’re ready to take your new programming talents to start a company and work for yourself. It’s a fabulous dream, but you’ll need to reach your customers to stay competitive. Knowing the most useful…
How to Learn Web Development
Web development is a popular career choice today, but the skills required to build a website aren’t just good for securing a job. Website design and development is a great skill to have, especially if you own a business or…
Coding for Beginners
If you pay attention to anything tech-related, you’ve undoubtedly run into the terms ‘coding’ and ‘programming’ many times. But what do these words actually mean, and what does it look like? Coding and programming are usually interchangeable terms, and they…
Key Senior UX Designer Portfolio Tips for Success
job that comes your way. UX design is one of the hottest tech jobs around today, but you need to have a competitive portfolio if you want to compete for the best gigs. If you have a solid senior UX…
What to Expect with Coding Bootcamp Projects
If you’ve made the decision to attend a coding bootcamp, no doubt you want to do everything you can to inform yourself about the challenges ahead. And since bootcamps famously focus on projects for learning the material and building a…
Google Front End Developer Interview Questions
You may see it when you open your computer or browse the internet. You may see it when you watch TV or play music. You might even see it driving past you in the form of a car with a…
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