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Kelly M.

Technical Writer

Kelly is a technical writer at Career Karma, where she writes tutorials on a variety of topics. She attended the University of Central Florida, earning a BS in Business Administration. Shortly after, she attended Lambda School, specializing in full stack web development and computer science. Before joining Career Karma in September 2020, Kelly worked as a Developer Advocate at Dwolla and as a team lead at Lambda School. Her technical writing can be found on Codecademy, gitConnected, and JavaScript in Plain English.

How to Learn Data Warehousing
There are several methods to learn data warehousing, including self paced and classroom oriented. This article covers the books and training programs you need to independently learn data warehousing. What is Data Warehousing? A data warehouse is a central location…
Computer Engineering: Courses, Training, and Other Resources
How to Learn Computer Engineering The field of computer engineering produces essential everyday items society relies on everyday, from mobile phones to routers. Embarking on a journey in this field as a career can be challenging, but you can gain…
Microsoft Azure: Courses, Training, and Other Resources
Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service used by many companies, developers, and engineers for testing, building, deploying, and managing applications. Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services like databases and software. An example of an everyday cloud computing…
How to Fix the Remote ‘updates were rejected’ Git Error
The Git error “updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do not have locally” is triggered when you initialize a new Github repo with a readme file or a license. This article dives into the solutions to…
Error: the Following Untracked Working Tree Files Would Be Overwritten by Merge
The error above is often triggered when we do not clone the repository we are trying to pull from. The projects may be identical, but we may be working on one locally while trying to pull it from the repo…
JavaScript Format Currency (intl.numberformat)
In JavaScript, the Intl.NumberFormat() method is used to specify a currency we want a number to represent. The method is a constructor that can be used to format currency in its style property.  This article states how we use the…
Python SyntaxError: Invalid Syntax
Syntax are rules that dictate how programming languages should be written. Each language has its own set of syntax rules different from others. We can think of them like grammar or punctuation in spoken languages. The question mark in English…
Python Algorithms
Algorithms are well defined instructions used to solve problems. Imagine you live on the second floor of a building and you needed to give yourself instructions to check your mail. Your algorithm would look something like this: stand_up() find_mailbox_key() take_mailbox_key()…
Is Python Object Oriented
What is Object-Oriented Programming? Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a paradigm or design that allows us to model concepts as objects and define the relationships between the objects. The paradigm focuses on the objects developers want to manipulate, instead of the…
JavaScript SyntaxError
Syntax are rules that dictate how programming languages should be written. Each language has its own set of syntax rules different from others. We can think of them like grammar or punctuation in spoken languages. The question mark in English…
JavaScript ReferenceError
In JavaScript, a reference error is thrown when a code attempts to reference a non-existing variable. In this article, we will dive into the most common types of reference error triggers and how to fix them. Common Reference Errors According…
What is the Javascript DOM?
The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM) is a representation of the HTML elements of a webpage. It is an interface we can use to manipulate a web page by changing its content or style. We can access the DOM by…
JavaScript TypeError
In JavaScript, a TypeError is an object that represents an error as a result of doing an operation that cannot be performed, usually because a value in an operation is not of the expected type. But what are types? According…
Python Data Structures
Data structures are essential in programming. They are used to organize, store, and manage data in a way that is efficient to access and modify.  Imagine doing your weekly load of laundry. Ideally, you separate socks, tees, trousers, and delicates…
Typeerror: Cannot Read Property ‘length’ of Undefined
The .length property in JavaScript has many different use cases. It can be used to: Indicate the number of parameters expected by a function with function.length.Return the number of elements inside of an array with Array.prototype.length.Find out the number of…
Converting Circular Structure to JSON
A circular structure is an object that references itself. In the example below, we are referencing the object (obj) as a value for the location key. let obj = { name: "John", age: 23, gender: "Male", location: obj } Like…
Cannot Read Property ‘addeventlistener’ of Null
The method addEventListener() is used in conjunction with EventTarget, which is a Document Object Model (DOM) implementation that can receive events like click, mouseover, submit, keydown, drag, and more. Events can be thought of as the interaction a user has…
JavaScript TypeError Cannot Read Property ‘style’ of Null
A typeerror is thrown when a value is not of the expected type. Unlike the value of undefined, the null value can be unintentionally assigned a value developers code into their program. The error represents the absence of any value…
Uncaught Typeerror: $ Is Not a Function
The $ sign in jQuery is a syntax commonly used as a shortcut to access or define a JavaScript library. The code below illustrates that invoking the $ sign or the jQuery method results in all the <p> tags in…
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