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Learn JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages today. These articles and resources will help you learn JavaScript, whether you are looking for a full-time intensive bootcamp course or self-learning online tutorials. Not only do we review various resources to learn JS, but we also provide exercises, comparisons to other coding languages, and individual articles on JavaScript errors and protocols. Finally, we examine if JavaScript is worth learning today.

JavaScript JSON: A Guide
JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation, is a way of storing data. In JSON objects, values are mapped to labels called keys. JSON objects can store any data type, including strings, integers, and other JSON values. JSON is a standard…
JavaScript: Object.values(): A Complete Guide
The JavaScript Object.values() method retrieves a list of the values in an object. You can iterate over the result of the values() method to see the contents of each value in the object. Objects contain keys and values. Sometimes, you…
JavaScript Ternary Operators: A Step-By-Step Guide
The JavaScript ternary operator evaluates a statement and returns one of two values. A ternary operator can be instructed to return a value if the statement evaluates to either true or false. The syntax for the ternary operator is: statement…
JavaScript Modulo: A How-To Guide
The JavaScript modulo operator returns the remainder of a division sum. To calculate the remainder of a division sum, use the percentage sign (%). The syntax for the modulo operator is: (number_one % number_two). How to Use the JavaScript Modulo…
The Best Beginner JavaScript Projects for 2020
One of the best ways to learn JavaScript is through projects. Whether it's getting acquainted with JavaScript fundamentals or spending time learning something more advanced, we always want to continue developing our JavaScript skills. JavaScript projects like quizzes, games, and…
An Introduction to Strings in JavaScript
A string in JavaScript, as is the case in many other programming languages, is a data type that holds data in text form. A common use for strings in the context of a web application is holding a user’s input…
Manage State in React with setState
Keeping track of an application’s state is how a single page application (SAP) registers changes and renders them to the user. Unlike a model, view, controller (MVC) framework, SAPs do not redirect the user, and therefore need a way to…
A Beginner’s Guide to jQuery on()
The jQuery on() method is a way to attach an event handler on an element. The element passed to the selector can be anything on the page. Most commonly, on() is a way to attach a click handler to a…
What is JavaScript Used For?
JavaScript is used to develop interactive web applications. JavaScript can power featured like interactive images, carousels, and forms. The language can be used with back-end frameworks like Node.js to power the mechanics behind a web page, such as form processing…
JavaScript String Contains: Step-By-Step Guide
You can check if a JavaScript string contains a character or phrase using the includes() method, indexOf(), or a regular expression. includes() is the most common method for checking if a string contains a letter or series of letters, and…
JavaScript alert() Method
The JavaScript alert() method, also known as Window.alert(), displays an alert dialog box to a user. It accepts an optional message argument to display a message with an OK button to the user. Common uses for alert() are to let…
How to Disable a Button Using jQuery
There are many reasons to disable a button in a web application. Whether it’s to prevent a user from adding a sold out item to their shopping cart, or not allowing the user to click a button after an action…
How jQuery each() Works
jQuery each() is a concise way to iterate over DOM elements. Each() method is designed to be called on the target jQuery object. A jQuery object is an object that contains one or more DOM elements and has access to…
How to Use the jQuery html() Method
jQuery has many methods available to help developers efficiently create a dynamic web experience. The jQuery html() method replaces all HTML inside of the selected element. This is useful if you want to dynamically change what the user is seeing…
JavaScript Array Contains: A Step-By-Step Guide
The JavaScript includes() method searches an array for an item. This method returns True if the element in the array exists. The filter() method lets you find an item in a list. Unlike includes(), the filter() method returns the item…
JavaScript Concatenate Strings: A Guide
The JavaScript concat() method merges the contents of two or more strings. You can also use the + concatenation operator to merge multiple strings. The concatenation operator is preferred in most cases as it is more concise. Concatenation is a…
How to Use the JavaScript += Operator
The JavaScript += operator adds two values together and assigns the result to a variable. This operator is called the addition assignment operator. It is more convenient than the regular variable = X + Y syntax. A plus sign and…
jQuery Methods: removeClass()
What is jQuery removeClass()? The jQuery removeClass() method removes class attributes from a selected element. Removing class attributes can be as global or specific as needed. The class attributes are assigned in the HTML file and styled via CSS. Using…
How to Use jQuery get()
A cornerstone of building a web application is using HTTP requests. HTTP requests allow data to be captured from a user input then sent through the back end to a server.  Afterwards, a response is returned. Sometimes these requests send…
JavaScript: MultiLine Strings Using \n and Template Literals
You can create a JavaScript multiline string using new line characters, concatenation, and template string literals. Template string literals are the most modern syntax and also let you embed variables into a string. Have you ever wanted to span a…
JavaScript Trim: A Step-By-Step Guide
The JavaScript trim() method removes white space characters from the beginning and end of a string. The trimLeft() and trimStart() methods trim white space characters from the beginning of a string. trimRight() and trimEnd() trim white spaces from the end…
[object Object]: What does this mean?
[object Object] is a string representation of an object. You may see this text if you use alert() to print an object to the screen, for instance. You can view the contents of an object using console.log(), JSON.stringify(), or a…
JavaScript Spread Operator: A Guide
avaScript spread operator expands an array in syntax that accepts arguments. The spread operator is commonly used to duplicate objects, merge arrays or pass the contents of a list into a function. The spread operator. No, it’s got nothing to…
A 2020 Guide to While Loop in JavaScript
do...while loops can be used to execute a block of code once and will keep running if a statement continues to evaluate to true. while and do...while loops are useful if you want to execute a block of code while…
JavaScript Sort Array: A How-To Guide
You can use the JavaScript sort() method to sort an array. The sort() method accepts an array as an argument and sorts its values in ascending order. Arrays are sorted in place which means the original array is modified. A…
JavaScript If Else: A Step-By-Step Guide
A JavaScript if...else statement evaluates whether a condition is true or false. If a condition is executed, the code within the if block executes. Otherwise, the contents of the else block execute. Else...if statements let you evaluate multiple conditions. There…
appendChild JavaScript: A Guide
The JavaScript appendChild() method adds an item to the end of a node. appendChild() is often used to add <li> items to a list. You must use multiple appendChild() statements if you want to add more than one item to…
Redux: Courses, Training, and Other Resources
If you’ve looked into different frontend frameworks, the phrase "React Redux" has probably come up. What is React/Redux? Are they the same thing? Redux is a JavaScript library for managing an application’s state. It works alongside another JavaScript library, such…
Trigger an Event Using the jQuery click() method
What is the most common action we take when visiting a website? A mouse click! Clicking is one of the most important actions to a website or app. You do so when navigating through a website and adding products to…
jQuery find(): A Step-by-Step Guide
The jQuery find() method may sound familiar, but don’t get it confused with the JavaScript method find()! They both “find” things, but what they return can be quite different. In JavaScript, the find() method can only be called on an…
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