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Learn JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages today. These articles and resources will help you learn JavaScript, whether you are looking for a full-time intensive bootcamp course or self-learning online tutorials. Not only do we review various resources to learn JS, but we also provide exercises, comparisons to other coding languages, and individual articles on JavaScript errors and protocols. Finally, we examine if JavaScript is worth learning today.

JavaScript Onclick: A Step-By-Step Guide
The JavaScript onclick event executes a function when a user clicks a button or another web element. This method is used both inline in an HTML document and in a JavaScript document. When you are coding in JavaScript, it’s common…
JavaScript ParseInt: A Step-By-Step Guide
The JavaScript parseInt method reads a string or a float and converts it to an integer. This method is commonly used to prepare a string for a mathematical operation because strings cannot be treated like numbers in a math equation.…
Insertion Sort in Java: A How-To Guide
A Java insertion sort evaluates each item in a list. If an item is less than the one before, the sort swaps the items. Otherwise, the items stay in the same place and the next two items are compared in…
JavaScript String Interpolation: A Beginner’s Guide
JavaScript string interpolation is the process of embedding an expression into part of a string. A template literal is used to embed expressions. You can add values such as variables and mathematical calculations into a string using interpolation. Do you…
How to Make a jQuery post() Request
When building a web app, it is inevitable that we will have to create something from data a user inputs. This could be creating a new user account when someone submits their information through a sign up form, or creating…
jQuery Methods: append()
jQuery: A Brief Introduction jQuery is a JavaScript library that allows developers to manipulate the DOM, write event handlers, animations, and AJAX requests with just a few lines of code. This is possible with selectors and methods unique to the…
jQuery methods: addClass()
The jQuery addClass() method gives developers a way to change elements in a more global way. As the method name suggests, we can add a class attribute to a selected element. Why would we want to do this? Let’s take…
JavaScript Bubble Sort: A Guide
How to Write a JavaScript Bubble Sort Do you have a list of values that you need to sort? The bubble sort could be for you. Bubble sorts compare adjacent elements in a list and swap their positions if they…
JavaScript Replace(): A Step-By-Step Guide
To replace text in a JavaScript string the replace() function is used. The replace() function takes two arguments, the substring to be replaced and the new string that will take its place. Regex(p) can also be used to replace text…
JavaScript Object.keys(): A Guide
The JavaScript Object.keys() method retrieves the keys in an Object and returns a list that contains those keys. The order of the keys in the final list is the order they appear in the original Object. JavaScript (JS) Objects consist…
Express.js: Courses, Training, and Other Resources
How to Learn Express.js If you’ve done any work with Node.js, or any server-side programming in general, you’ve probably heard of Express.js. Express.js is used widely by companies like Fox Sports, IBM, and even Uber. We’re here to help you…
jQuery: Courses, Training, and Other Resources
How to Learn jQuery If you’ve done any research on web development, you’ve surely learned that JavaScript is a vitally important part of building functional websites. It does everything from making responsive buttons to handling animation and auto-completing web forms. …
Why Use AngularJS?
Should you learn AngularJS? And what is this technology used to accomplish in web development? These questions and more are addressed in this article. AngularJS is an open sourced frontend web framework used to solve obstacles presented by single-page applications.…
JavaScript Split: A Step-By-Step Guide
The JavaScript split() method divides a string into an array of substrings. These substrings are added to a new array. split() returns the new array of substrings. When you’re programming, it’s common to see cases where you need to get…
JavaScript Splice: How to Use It
The JavaScript splice() method modifies an array. It is used to add new elements to an array or remove or change existing ones. splice() changes the array on which it is used. It does not create a new array. It’s…
JavaScript setTimeout and setInterval: A Guide
setTimeout() and setInterval() are JavaScript timing events. The JavaScript setTimeout() method executes a function after a period of milliseconds. JavaScript setInterval() executes a function continuously after a certain period of milliseconds have passed. JavaScript runs line-by-line. As soon as one…
JavaScript innerHTML and innerText: A Guide
You’ll need to know how to change the text or the HTML that appears on the page to make your sites more interactive. That’s where the innerText and innerHTML HTML attributes come in. These attributes make it easy to change…
JavaScript: Refresh Page
Sometimes you need to refresh a webpage using JavaScript. If the need arises, use the location object to use the reload() method. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <title>repl.it</title> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body onload="handleLoad()">…
JavaScript Format Currency (intl.numberformat)
In JavaScript, the Intl.NumberFormat() method is used to specify a currency we want a number to represent. The method is a constructor that can be used to format currency in its style property.  This article states how we use the…
How to Use Substring in JavaScript
The JavaScript substring() method retrieves a range of characters between two index positions. You can use substring() to retrieve characters to the end of a string by omitting an end index position. A substring is a smaller portion of a…
JavaScript Filter: A Step-By-Step Guide
The JavaScript() filter method creates an array of elements from an existing array. The filter() method accepts a callback function as an argument. This function evaluates whether an element should be added to the new list from the existing one.…
JavaScript For Loop: A Step-By-Step Guide
A JavaScript for loop executes a block of code as long as a specified condition is true. JavaScript for loops take three arguments: initialization, condition, and increment. The condition expression is evaluated on every loop. A loop continues to run…
JavaScript Sleep Method Doesn’t Exist: What to Use Instead
If you’re an engineer or developer coming from different programming languages, you might have used a native method called sleep() to stall or pause a method from executing. JavaScript doesn’t have such a native method.  In this article, we will…
JavaScript GET Request: Using the Fetch API
Developers often have to retrieve data from their own API or third-party API. This article talks about using your browser’s Fetch API to GET some data from an endpoint. What is the Fetch API?  The Fetch API is an interface…
Higher Order Functions in JavaScript: A Guide
As a developer, you have likely used regular JavaScript functions. Called first order functions,  they don’t take in a function as a parameter or return a function. function hello(name) { return "Hello," + " " + name } console.log(hello("Career Karma"));…
Let vs Var vs Const: What’s the Difference?
New features have been added to the JavaScript language with the release of ECMAScript6 (ES6). One such feature affects how we declare variables. With the addition of let and const, came all sorts of questions about when to use each…
JavaScript Uncaught TypeError: cannot set property ‘innerHTML’ of null Solution
The innerHTML property lets you set the contents of an element using JavaScript. If you specify an invalid element with which to use the innerHTML method, or if you place your script before the element appears on the page, you’ll…
JavaScript SyntaxError
Syntax are rules that dictate how programming languages should be written. Each language has its own set of syntax rules different from others. We can think of them like grammar or punctuation in spoken languages. The question mark in English…
JavaScript ReferenceError
In JavaScript, a reference error is thrown when a code attempts to reference a non-existing variable. In this article, we will dive into the most common types of reference error triggers and how to fix them. Common Reference Errors According…
querySelector vs. getElementById: A Comparison
Both the querySelector and getElementById methods let you retrieve an element from the JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM). However, each method has its own use cases. In this guide, we break down the most common use case of both querySelector…
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