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Learn JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages today. These articles and resources will help you learn JavaScript, whether you are looking for a full-time intensive bootcamp course or self-learning online tutorials. Not only do we review various resources to learn JS, but we also provide exercises, comparisons to other coding languages, and individual articles on JavaScript errors and protocols. Finally, we examine if JavaScript is worth learning today.

JavaScript Console: A Guide for Beginners
Writing code, while entertaining, can also become quite tedious. There are days when you start writing code, realize something is not running, and get very frustrated. Even more annoying is when your code runs, but you can't figure out why…
JavaScript Countdown Timer: A Tutorial
Countdown timers are used all over the Internet by people who want to count down to a major event. You could use a countdown timer to count down to the launch of your new website. A countdown timer could mark…
JavaScript Arrow Functions: A Step-By-Step Guide
JavaScript arrow functions are a way of declaring functions. Arrow functions can be used to write JavaScript functions more efficiently and using more concise syntax. Arrow function syntax supports implicit returns for single expressions. A function is a block of…
How to Make axios GET and POST Requests
When you’re building a web application, there may come a time when you want to perform a HTTP request to access an external resource. For instance, suppose you are making a blog. You may want to call an API to…
JavaScript forEach Loops Made Easy
The JavaScript forEach loop is an Array method that executes a custom callback function on each item in an array. The forEach loop can only be used on Arrays, Sets, and Maps. If you’ve spent any time around a programming…
JavaScript startsWith and endsWith: A Complete Guide
The JavaScript startsWith method will return true or false if a string starts with a specified character or string. JavaScript endsWith works the same way but applies to the end of a string. Both accept parameters that effect where the…
JavaScript Includes: A Step-By-Step Guide
The JavaScript includes() method determines whether a list includes a specified item. The includes() method takes one parameter, the value to check for in a list. includes() will return true if that value is present, and false if it's not.…
Top 5 JavaScript Frameworks to Learn
If you’ve spent any time working with JavaScript, you’ll know there are a lot of frameworks available for you. React.js, Vue.js, and Angular are three examples of the hundreds of other options. Having access to a wide range of frameworks…
How Long Does it Take to Learn React JS?
Learning new skills is an important part of remaining viable as a worker in the technology industry. In the tech industry, the people who are acquainted with the latest and greatest developments are constantly engaged in projects. If you are…
A Step-By-Step Guide to JavaScript Let
Let in JavaScript is one of three ways to declare a variable. JavaScript let is used to declare block scope variables and cannot be reassigned or redeclared. The let variable is best used for loops. Variables are an essential part…
JavaScript indexOf: A Step-By-Step Guide
The JavaScript indexOf() method returns the position of an item in a list or a substring in a string. The indexOf() JavaScript method returns -1 if a specified value does not appear in a list or string. Only the index…
A Step-By-Step Guide to JavaScript Comments
JavaScript comments are used to write notes in your code or to disable sections of code without deleting them. Comments are made in JavaScript by adding // before a single line, or /* before and */ after multiple lines. Commenting…
JavaScript Find: A Step-By-Step Guide
The JavaScript find() function returns the first element in a list that meets a given requirement. The function is useful for finding specific values in an array. When working with JavaScript, you may want to retrieve a specific value from…
JavaScript toUpperCase and toLowerCase
The JavaScript toLowerCase() method returns a string without any uppercase letters. Similarly, the toUpperCase() method returns a string without any lowercase characters. Both accept a string and return that string in a different case. When you’re working with a string…
JavaScript typeof
Data types are used to store a particular type of data in a programming language. For example, strings can be used to store text-based data in code, whereas numbers can be used to store integers and floating-point numbers. When you’re…
JavaScript Variables
Variables are an integral part of almost every programming language, and are usually one of the first topics you’ll learn when you start coding. Variables can be used to store data in a program, such as strings, numbers, JSON objects,…
JavaScript for Beginners: A Handbook
JavaScript is a programming language that’s used to create dynamic content on websites. Take a moment to think about the web features you use every day. Think about how new content loads when you keep scrolling on Twitter, or how…
JavaScript toString
When you’re working with data in JavaScript, you may want to convert a data type to a string. For example, you may have an array of student names that you want to appear as a string, or a number that…
A Brief History of JavaScript
JavaScript is one of the most essential programming languages today, and is one of the standard programming languages of the Web. JavaScript is unique in providing open interaction within a language whereas HTML and CSS cannot. In other words, JavaScript…
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript is one of the standard languages on the Web today and controls the activity of your website. So anything that moves, refreshes, pops up, or changes your screen without refreshing the page itself. It can also be used for…
A Strategic Roadmap to Learning React.js
As you search the web, you’ll find many articles about React.js, also referred to simply as React. This post is written not as a step by step guide to creating your first React application, but instead as a strategic roadmap…
Why is AngularJS Necessary?
It’s no secret that thousands of people are successfully transitioning into the kinds of productive, engaging careers in technology that they’ve always wanted. With a combination of traditional schooling, individual learning, apprenticeships, and bootcamps, they are acquiring the skills they…
How to Code in JavaScript
In terms of popularity, JavaScript ranks up there with the all-time most used languages. Just about every web developer learns it after HTML and CSS, and it figures prominently in many of the major tasks web developers perform. JavaScript is…
How to Debug JavasScript with Chrome
Even for professionals, coding isn’t easy. That’s probably why developers spend a large amount of their time hunting down bugs in their code. Sometimes a bug is obvious, causing the entire program to break all at once. Other times a…
The Top JavaScript Jobs Remote Workers Can Do
As a coding whiz, you’ve done the research on what kind of software development you want to do, and you’ve settled on specializing in JavaScript. There’s a catch, though—you want to work remotely, and you refuse to settle for an…
Post-Bootcamp Life: The Top Junior JavaScript Developer Jobs
You’ve made it through coding bootcamp, and you’re ready to put your new skills to good use. Your income share agreement was an amazing tool to help you through your school without breaking your bank, but you’d like to find…
The Top JavaScript Frameworks 2019 Has to Offer
JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages around today, and for good reason. It’s a fantastically versatile language that works well for a zillion different applications. You’ll find JavaScript all over the web and in your favorite programs.…
What Can I Make With Javascript?
Project-based learning is arguably the best way to approach programming. Unlike a field like history or philosophy where you can learn through reading and reflection, coding is something that has to be tinkered with, explored, and approached actively. This is…
JavaScript Coding Basics
JavaScript is a staple programming language in the world of web development. It’s known as a ‘dynamic coding language,’ which means programmers can change variables while the program is running. Conversely, HTML is not a dynamic coding language, which is…
How to Debug JavaScript in Chrome for Beginners
JavaScript is one of the most popular coding languages in the whole wide world. It’s everywhere, too—you’ll find JavaScript hanging out in all your favorite websites and most treasured apps. You’ll discover JavaScript all over Chrome, also, so if you…
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